Our History

The vision for Orangetree Bible has always been part of the DNA of Faith Bible Church, 6464 Immokalee Road, Naples. As the mother church for Orangetree’s birthing, the leadership of Faith Bible Church considers the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) a divine imperative. The motivating belief is that Jesus Christ is more greatly honored and His kingdom more advanced through the planting of churches rather than the building of megachurches.

In the summer of 2022 believers at Faith Bible Church began praying about the possibility of planting a church in the Estates, somewhere north of Golden Gate Boulevard and east of Collier. This area is one of the fastest growing areas in fast-growing Florida. It is also an area with few churches, particularly churches that are evangelical and Reformed in theological conviction. By January 2023 the leadership of Faith Bible called upon Pastor Denny Hustedt to spearhead the effort and called upon the church family to pray about personal involvement in planting a church. A number of families attending Faith Bible Church live in the Estates and others gladly volunteered to support such an effort.

After much prayer, the Orangetree area of the Estates was decided upon for beginning the work. The Holy Spirit has used the prayers of God’s people to bless this new work. And we believe God will continue to bless the earnest and concerted prayers of God’s people for Orangetree Bible Church. We look forward with great anticipation to what the Lord will accomplish for His kingdom through Orangetree, both in the near term and for the coming years before His return.

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